
What is working in your life?

Apr 17, 2023

 am creating something new in my business and it is harder than I anticipated. 

As I am stumbling a bit and learning I realized I am focussing on what I don’t know, what decisions I have not made, what is not extraordinary about this project. I have been full on critiquing myself. Judging all parts of myself as a business owner, which bled into other areas of my life. 

And just like that ....

So I stopped in my tracks and asked myself,
“Kristin, what is working right now?”
And, as soon as I directed my brain to look for evidence that 
lots is working I was able to add and add to the list. 

I invite you to do the same.


  • What is working with your health?
  • What is working with your calendar system?
  • What is working professionally?
  • What is working in your relationships? 
  • What is working with your friendships?
  • What is working with your children?
  • What is working with your pets?
  • What is working spiritually?
  • What is working with your surroundings?

What is working?

Game to keep that list running in your head instead of the list of what is not?
Abundance breeds abundance. 
